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KEA Case Studies

Challenges are no stranger to us, and we relish solving them. Reach out to us and we'll be more than happy to help you tackle any challenges you can throw our way.

Web presence

Evora projects

  • We manage the domain, hosting, and contact form
  • At the client’s request, the visual identity has been modernized
  • Images were custom-made
  • We’ve provided ongoing support that continues to this day

Inspiration at Your Fingertips

eCommerce solution

Husse Hrana Banja Luka

  • development of visual identity and market positioning
  • complete eCommerce solution and webshop setup
  • ad preparation, social media management, and full support
  • project duration from 2020-2023

Social media

web site

Huma - Human architecture

  • market entry strategy and ongoing support
  • website development, hosting, and domain purchase
  • continuing collaboration in development

Elegant and simple

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